Monster Energy Drink Under Fire
Recently the energy drink, Monster has been accused of killing teens and young adults. Even though none of the tests can prove the drink is what killed the person, parents are speaking out that the drink contributed to the loss of their children.
Monster Co. has been having a rough time because many parents have sued due to the death or health issues of their children after consuming the energy drink. Monster energy does contain a lot of caffeine and can lead to elevated blood pressure, seizures, and heart attacks. The drink can affect people’s health and could cause some medical issues, but in Monster Energy’s defense it specifically says on the can that it’s not recommended for children, pregnant women, or people with heart issues. It also says not to abuse the drink.
Drinking more than one can a day can affect you. In most cases, the people that have been hospitalized because of the drink have ingested more than one can which was printed on the can not to do so. Monster really can’t harm you unless you abuse drinking it. It’s not the healthiest drink and you probably shouldn’t consume it everyday, but it can only harm you if you drink to much.
Grace Chariya, sophomore said, “As long as you don’t drink a six pack in one day you should be ok. Every once in a while should be ok for teens, but drinking one everyday is really unhealthy.”
One way Monster Co. could address issues of being sued because of this problem could be requiring an age limit on their drink, and not let children as young as 12 buy their drink. Tons of children ages 12-14 buy the energy drink to seem cool. The drink should not be consumed as an everyday drink like water or juice. Young children should be careful because it can affect them more than it affects bigger people. Most people feel very shaky and fully caffeinated for about 2 hours after consuming Monster, and then they just shut down and want to sleep.
Kristen Campbell, sophomore said, “Monster is so unhealthy and I think it is so dumb when I see 12 year old children walking around with cans in their hands. There should be an age limit on Monster.”
Monster Energy Drinks might taste good to some people, they do need to be careful when consuming the drink because it can affect them.