Justin Bieber’s Recent Actions Have Some Tigers Concerned
At 4am, January 23rd in the city of Miami, pop star Justin Bieber was arrested on charges of DUI, drag racing and resisting arrest without violence. He was racing with one of his artist friends, Khalil Sharief, when police pulled Bieber’s car over due to his high speed of racing over 60 Mph in a 30 speed zone.
Bieber appeared in court at Dade Country and his bond was set at $2,500 for the charges against him.
Audrey Spears, Junior at Urbana High School, said, “I honestly am not surprised. He seemed like they type of person to end up in jail at some point in his life”.
This is Bieber’s latest escapade with the run in with the Police. When he was in Canada, one of his friends was charge with battery against Bieber’s limo driver. Bieber also has issues with the law in California when a neighbor accused him of egging his house and causing thousands of dollars of damage to the owners house.
Many of Biebers fans, Beliebers as they like to call themselves, set fire to twitter with thousands of tweets with the hashtag FreeJustin. A battle ensued between Bieber fans, who believe he should not of been arrested, and others who were shocked at the fact that people would want someone to get off free when they had been driving while the influence.
Spears said, “I think he’s a very bad influence for his fans. It makes them think that his actions are acceptable and he should not be held responsible. It is very troubling to me.”
Many people have started a petition to get Bieber deported back to Canada, and it has gained enough signatures to where the Police has to review it.