Dennis Rodman’s Visits to North Korea Leave Many Wondering
Dennis Rodman recently went overseas to North Korea to celebrate close, personal friend Kim Jong-un’s birthday. Lately, the two have been spending an exceptional amount of time with each other. The reason behind this is still left to be deciphered.
Rodman often claims in many different interviews that Jong-un is a wise and “awesome” person that just has an interesting way of showing it.
According to, Rodman shocked the world when he met and praised Jong-un during a visit to North Korea last February with the Harlem Globetrotters. The most shocking part of the entire situation, as an outsider, would definitely be that Rodman was the first American to ever get the chance to meet the North Korean leader. The fact that he is not of any political position, such as presidency to only state the obvious, made this something many people are worried about.
Mrs. Tunnels, a substitute teacher at Urbana High School says, “Dennis Rodman is an American citizen and should be allowed to travel as he pleases without State Department permission.”
In a recent interview with CNN, Rodman threw a complete tantrum, while intoxicated if that may be added, out of anger because he actually defended Kim Jong-un. Chris Cuomo claimed his personal concerns for America and the safety and security of the players and was silenced immediately after he asked, “Are you going to take the opportunity, if given, to stand up for Kenneth Bae?”
Rodman avoided answering the question and continued his disoriented rant.
Also in the interview, Charles Smith said that the men were not going to North Korea to solve or get involved in any political debates or issues. This claim may have been made to alleviate some worry, but the media and many Americans are afraid of the impact this may have on the United States and several neighboring countries that are currently experiencing some animosity with North Korea.