As Sochi Olympics Approach, Tensions Rise
In a few weeks, Russia will be hosting the 2014 Olympic Winter Games, in Sochi. As athletes from around the world compete to represent their countries after years of hard work, a rising issue is security.
After recent bombings in Russia, the world is asking if Russia will be well prepared for the 2014 Winter Olympics. To add to the rising tensions surrounding the 2014 winter games, the threat of women suicide bombers has become the number one threat. The most wanted woman bomber is known world wide as the “Black Widows.”
Not only do athletes have to be protected, but everyone watching the games as well.
Under President Vladimir Putin, according to The Heritage Foundation, Russia has assured its people and the world that it has made “security enforcement its primary focus,” in preparation for the games.
Some of these preparations include assembling over 100,000 personnel around Sochi territory, as well as tightening restrictions on access to the Black Sea resort; according to The Huffington Post. As the opening day for the 2014 Winter Olympics approaches, Russia continues its efforts to assure safety for its people and Sochi.
In addition to Russia’s safety efforts for Sochi, President Vladimir Putin assured that gay athletes would be “welcomed” into Sochi as athletes despite their sexual orientation.
This made global news as well considering Putin’s recent controversial and non-accepting ideals towards gays.
Junior Bethany Peppers, adds “I think that Russia as a country should have to accept and ensure the safety of the gay athletes, as well as gay spectators.”
This is important considering that they may be a target among terrorists, as well as any of those opposed to gays.
This may now bring peace to Russia among Gay rights activists as well as those around the world, as we come together to compete.