2013 Emmy Awards
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/microsite_carousel/2013/07/65th_emmy_awards.jpg The annual television awards show known as "The Emmys" aired Sept. 22. There were many nominations for categories...
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/microsite_carousel/2013/07/65th_emmy_awards.jpg The annual television awards show known as "The Emmys" aired Sept. 22. There were many nominations for categories...
http://i2.blogs.indiewire.com/images/blogs/carynjames/archives/SIsterWivesPose.jpg “Sister Wives” is a reality TV show about a family of polygamists on TLC. The main character in the...
http://tipshealthbeauty.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Beauty-and-health-tips.jpg Beauty is defined by Google as “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, which pleases the...
http://dwgyu36up6iuz.cloudfront.net/heru80fdn/image/upload/c_fill,d_placeholder_cne.jpg,g_face,h_450,q_90,w_800/v1367967357/vogue_the-fashion-fund-video-series-2012-episode-1.jpg Julie Erlinger said, "Fashion is a lot of things. Fashion is different to all people. My fashion is different...
http://thegreatfrederickfair.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/FFALogo21.png The Urbana High School FFA is selling Beef Sticks once again, and they can barely keep up with the...
http://a57.foxnews.com/global.fncstatic.com/static/managed/img/fn-latino/news/660/371/Ariel%20Castro%20Big%20Top%202.jpg?ve=1 Convicted kidnapper and rapist Ariel Castro, 53, was found hanged by a bed sheet in his prison cell o...
On September 22, 2013 Urbana High School lost an amazing student- Nancy Phetchareunce. It was about 9 o'clock when she...
The Senior girls scored a victory over the Juniors in tonight's Powderpuff Football game. A big thanks to all who...
The Chicago Bears have started the season 3-1 coming off a loss to the Detroit Lions. They look to keep...
On September 25, 2013 former Los Angeles center Shaquille O’Neal, bought a minority share of the Sacramento Kings basketball franchise....