Is Florida Disappearing?

The U.S might lose one of its most popular states. According to experts, Florida might be disappearing in a few years because of erosions, hurricanes and other forces. Every year there is less and less sand on the beautiful shores of Florida beaches. Rising sea levels are the cause of these devastating erosions, but the state is trying their best to keep their beloved state in the union. Florida spends 30 million dollars a year for beach replenishment and over 150 companies are volunteering to help by aiming to reduce green house emissions. The increasing temperatures of the last decades have made the intensity of the tropical storms much more worse, and that has also lead to the erosion and rising sea level.
Florida is a very vital state to the country. It is home to the largest subtropical reserve in North America. There are swamps, saw grass prairies and hardwood hammocks. Junior Sebastian Mora said, “I hope it doesn’t disappear because I would like to visit it one day. And, it would warm our planet.”
So, if you want to visit the Everglades you have to make greener decisions and help conserve planet earth. It would be a tragedy if the sunshine state were to disappear. Luckily, the state of Florida and the government are putting in millions of dollars to prevent this from happening.