A Reflection on Cyber Monday
Many stores are doing cyber Monday, not only on Monday but all week. Stores are having great deals that you can only find online. For some stores it is strictly online, but for others it is in the stores as well such as Best Buy and other electronic stores.
Shoppers think they are getting great deals but, in reality, the store bumps up the prices right before shopping season, and then lowers it back to the original price to make the shoppers think they are getting a real good price. Most stores do this but not all. There are some really good deals out there, you just have to look for them.
Cyber Monday is just another day for shopping, following a day of rest. Billy Bush was heard on the radio channel saying “what is this, people give thanks for everything they have, then they go shopping the next day and get stuff that they don’t need.” As broadcasted on the radio station, what is a good reason for continuing the shopping the next week if it takes away from the true meaning of thanksgiving?
Melissa Wells, senior, says, “having a Cyber Monday allows people to go shopping who missed Black Friday, such as the people who were working. Also it is good for businesses because they make money by the prices that drop drastically.”
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are originally made for shopping for Christmas presents, but honestly people buy stuff for themselves more than for others. Cyber Monday is, “people are getting ready for Christmas, although they have plenty of time.” says Wells.
Cyber Monday made its first appearance November 28 of 2005, because in 2004, research showed that most people did their shopping the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Cyber Monday was made into a real term and was made into a celebratory day, making it a day that people want to go shopping on. On this day, some stores online have unbeatably low prices.
This encourages people to waste their day on online shopping rather than being with friends and shopping together, also this day only includes people over the age of 20. So students are not allowed to participate in the celebration because of school.
Because the Monday after Thanksgiving is a school day, online companies are encouraging students to pay attention more to the low prices, than on the schoolwork.
Cyber Monday is an interesting day full of low prices and you don’t even have to leave your house to do the shopping. All in all, Cyber Monday does make it easier to shop and allows people who are unable to shop earlier to shop with lower prices later.