“Marriage Is Not For You.”

Seth Adam Smith, blogger and husband, recently posted a love letter about his wife. He met her in middle school and has been married to for just over a year. The name of the letter is very appropriate – “Marriage Is Not For You.”
In the letter, Smith talks about marriage and who it should really be for, in the relationship that is. He says that a marriage isn’t for you, it’s for the person you’re married to. It’s about who you’re going to raise your kids with, who you’re going to spend the rest of your life with. He says that in a marriage you shouldn’t focus on making yourself happy, it’s all about making the other person happy.
Smith goes on to tell a story about his wife at a time when he was pushing her away and being selfish. Instead of treating him the same way, she showered him with love and helped him through the tough time he was having. Where most people would have walked away, she loved him even more.
Smith makes a great point, saying that this is the only way love can survive. Love isn’t going to survive if both people are equally selfish.
Any relationship, marriage or otherwise, shouldn’t be about you. It should always be about the person you love.
You can read Seth Adam Smith’s love letter here: