What is Beauty?

Beauty is defined by Google as “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, which pleases the aesthetic senses.”
Beauty, in other people’s eyes, is really how the person is, not how they act. Everyone always has that one insecurity; they wish they could look like that one really attractive girl that followed them on Twitter or maybe that one guy, who is extremely gorgeous, and gets almost thirteen thousand likes on Instagram. Some believe that the definition of “perfect” is a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect skinny body, and is the cheerleader type. As for the “perfect” guy, they think he has brown hair, brown eyes, six pack, athletic.
“Beauty is the energy that radiates from us; [it is] the positive force that we serve to others. [It is] something that makes a person beautiful is their attitude, they way we carry ourselves choose our actions, and ultimate treat others,” said English Teacher Cortney Thomas.
“Beauty is how you behave, your integrity. None about physical, none at all. Treat all children as if they are beautiful,” Dean Price Hammond said.
Beauty is on the inside; no one should ever believe that they have to be like everyone else. Everyone has their own characteristics that makes them beautiful. If every single person was the same, then the world would be boring.
There have been several cases where people have felt insecure because of how they looked. Such as on the MTV show “Catfish”. The girl on the show made a fake profile, but wanted to meet the guy she was “catfishing”. She was photoshopping her pictures to make her look skinner. His profile was fake because he felt insecure by how he looked, so he was fake as well.
“There are a number of reasons why people get bullied. The way someone’s looks is probably the first thing that someone would judge another person for,” said Sophomore Tyler Smith.
Society makes people believe that they don’t have beauty because they don’t fit the definition of perfect. No one is perfect, and no one was born to be perfect. Live and do what makes you happy, and don’t give a care in the world what anyone else has to say about it.