UHS students speak about iOS7
Apple recently released the latest operating system for its products – iOS7 – on September 18. Users around the world anxiously awaiting the update encountered problems downloading it. Many believed it was not timely and caused many people to have to delete much of their data. Now, it seems like there are even more problems.
Computer Lab Coordinator Mr. Planey said, “Once our school iPads were updated they didn’t work so great, but Apple is working on fixing that. They just released a new update to iOS7 (iOS7.0.2)”.
New hacks and glitches have already been reported to come with iOS7. Following the much-anticipated release, approximately a third of the five million tweets and other social media messages sent about iOS7 were regarding the “glitches”.
Many popular apps including SnapChat and Mailbox have been impacted by a bug that causes the apps to unexpectedly and repeatedly log users out of their accounts. In addition, hackers have discovered, to the dismay of Apple, that one can break into phones that are supposedly “locked”. Apple is working diligently to attend to and correct these problems.
Planey says, “People figured out how to get around the emergency call feature on the lock screen so you could call anyone. And, the other glitch (I’ve heard about) was that you could pretty easily get past the lock screen to send emails and other stuff”.
As for the public’s reaction the iOS7, it was mixed. Some absolutely adore the update, while others are against it.
Junior Anna Billman is not a fan of it, saying, “The color of the apps is more neon so it’s bright and annoying. And, the movement of the screen gives me a headache. I feel like they (Apple) updated too much all at once”.
On the other hand, Sophomore Sophie Davenport likes it. She says, “I like that iOS7 has filters for their camera and I like the way the messages look. But, I’ve heard that iOS7 drains your battery faster”.
Overall, the release of iOS7 has been less than smooth, but Apple will still try to remain a favorite of their customers by trying to please iPhone and iPad users everywhere.