UHS FFA Sells Beef Sticks

The Urbana High School FFA is selling Beef Sticks once again, and they can barely keep up with the hungry students.
Dr. Joan White, a teacher at UHS and leader of the school’s FFA, ordered these delicious meat snacks last week. In two weeks time, the Beef Sticks were already completely sold out, and another shipment is on the way.
Hungry high-schoolers and teachers have been buying these snacks by the dozens, but most of them have little knowledge about the organization they’re supporting.
The National FFA was founded in 1925, and stood for “Future Farmers of America.” In 1993, the official name was changed to simply “FFA” because they wanted to emphasize the fact that the FFA is a resource not only for future farmers but for future food scientists, future biologists, future veterinarians, and many other occupations associated with agriculture. There are FFA chapters in all 50 states, and even in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin islands, making it one of the largest American Youth organizations.
Students from chapters all over the nation come together every year for a national convention, which is being held in Louisville, Kentucky this year. The sale of beef sticks will go towards funding trips such as the national convention.
Beef sticks come in several flavors such as sweet teriyaki, spicy, jalapeno, buffalo chicken, or a journalism personal favorite, hickory smoked.
Agriculture is vital to American life; it’s where our food comes from. So buy a beef stick – it’s only one dollar and it’s for a good cause.