The First Day of Freshman Year Brings Opportunities!
There is always a first for everything. The first day of freshman year seems to be the most nervous day of them all. High school is about more freedom, more sports, and more classes to choose from, also the diversity is different.
The hardest thing for freshman seems to be trying not to get lost in this big school and also trying not to lose their schedule. The switch from middle school to high school is undecided. Some freshman transition has been easy while others have been hard. Most freshmen have made the transition easy by involving themselves in the school.
The best thing for freshmen to do is to be a part of the school. Trying to fit in doesn’t always work, so do the opposite try to stand out. Freshmen that stand out get noticed more and are part of the school and feel as if they belong.
Doing extra curricular activities, like drama or joining a club, also gets students to stand out.
Freshman Alonso Davis plays football, and plans to be in track in the spring. Basketball, soccer, and math club and band are only a few of the activities the freshmen have involved themselves in.
Junior Michael Rodriguez recants his freshman year. “ The hardest thing for me being a freshman was being surrounded by upperclassman all the time” Michael Rodriguez comments.
Junior Glodie Mulunda says the hardest thing for her freshman year was being underclassmen.
One thing all the freshmen have in common is that they hate the cafeteria food.
Advice for underclassman-
Try to stand out.
Definitely don’t ask upperclassmen for directions, they will tell you the wrong one or tell you the one that takes the longest.
Don’t get lost and don’t lose your schedule.