What If the World Was Gay and Being Straight Was Not the Norm?

What if the world was gay and being straight was not the norm?
When you follow this link you will see a video about a girl not wanting to be like her mothers. She will get bullied and she ends up killing her self for being bullied so much. When I looked at this video, it made me want to cry.
Erin Ludwick, teacher at Urbana High School said,” I think we need to stress the importance of knowing people different than ourselves. I feel like bullying and discrimination takes place largely because we can separate ourselves from others and their pain or perspective. This is why often in my classes I like to pair students who have different interests and lifestyles. When you see someone as a person, it is harder to treat them like an “other”.”
People don’t realize the toll it takes on people to be bullied to the point when you feel like you to need to be dead in order to be happy. Just because being gay is not widely accepted as the “normal way” to do things, it is normal. So many people in this world are gay, bisexual, transgender etc. People do not have right to discriminate against gay’s or anyone else. I feel the consequences for bulling should be a lot harsher, no matter the age, because the kids in this video were in elementary school.
Abrianna Uher, Junior at Urbana High School was asked if she thought the video would change what people think. She said, “ Yes, I do think it would change because it gives you a different perspective of the situation.”
I believe everyone should be shown this video, because it’s not right to make someone want to kill themselves.
*If you would like to get the link please see Ms. Ludwick in room 2217 or email at eludwick@usd116.org*