LGBTQ Laws in Russia

Since the United States is passing laws that allow gay marriage now, you’d think that other places around the world would do the same. In Russia, it is the complete opposite.
“I believe that what is going on is very awful. Anytime another group tries to impress someone else based on looks, race, culture or even sexual orientation it’s just not right,” said Charles Trabaris, social studies teacher.
The Russian law stated that there will be no nontraditional sexual relations. If someone is homosexual, that person can get fines up to $156. Also, it is illegal to give information to them, hold gay prides events, such as meetings about their rights, or speak up and state that they have rights too.
“I think it is ridiculous, and someone should go in and say something because people don’t have the choice of being gay or lesbian,” said Senior Bryana Davis.
Since this law was passed just a few months ago, people who are LGBTQ they have been beaten up, thrown in jail, been fined, been bullied on the street, and had many other things done just for being who they are.
The Olympics, which are being held in Russia, are coming up in 2014. LGBTQ people from other countries competing are wondering if they are going to get thrown in jail or beaten up just for coming there because homosexuality is against the law. They are going to go to Russia with their held up high and just go there to compete. They are there to compete not get judged by their sexual orientation.