Fashion Influences

Tons of things influence fashion: the place a person grows up, where they live, the weather in that area and even what type of music they like.
A big inspiration for today’s fashion comes from the alternative music scene, from high-waisted shorts to slouchy beanies.
The skater lifestyle is a big contributor to the alternative world. Things like thick black eyeliner, band tees, messy hair and opaque black pantyhose under shorts with chunky Dr. Martens are what the skater lifestyle is all about.
In most skater bands, like Blink-182 and Tonight Alive, they wear a lot of band tees, skinny jeans and Vans sneakers. Fans of these bands wear pretty much the same thing – their clothes just aren’t as tight and constricting. In the skater subculture comfort is really important, which is probably why it appeals to so many people.
Younger generations are especially influenced by this style. When kids see someone they look up to wearing something, they want to wear the same thing. The kids hear the songs those people are singing or they see what those people are doing and where they’re going in their lives and want to be just like them. Kids want to be like the people they admire most.