North Korea Threats

North Korea Threats
Tensions are rapidly rising in the Korean peninsula after North Korea recently threatened wage a nuclear attack on the United States and begin a war with Seoul.
With work underway at a North Korean nuclear reactor plant and a missile moved to the coast, in line of Guam, some are concerned that an attack could be initiated. While most are simply writing off the threat as bluster, others are more cautious.
Although Pyongyang, more commonly know as North Korea, is not expected to launch a missile until the anniversary of their founder Kim Ilsung’s birthday on April 15th, officials who met in both Washington and Seoul are concerned that it could happen this week. A senior South Korean security official verified those warnings saying that North Korea might fire a missile on or around Wednesday April 10th.
North Korea reportedly adjusted a missile within range of the United States territory of Guam April 4th. Although residents of the island are not overly worried at the time, the United Kingdom foreign office stated that Pyongyang did in fact ask many foreign embassies in their own region to relocate as their safety could not be assured if a conflict was to arise.
In response to the increasingly troubling motives the U.S. military sent a missile defense system to Guam, in addition to the already present Air Force and Naval bases stationed on the island. The 180,000 residents are not running for cover yet though, as they are confident in the United States’ ability to protect them.
Until the nuclear missile is launched, all Guam, and the Korean peninsula can do is await their fate, to see where this global argument takes us.