Justin Bieber Rumors

These days, rumors spread faster than ever. No matter whom it’s about, what it involves, or who the source is, it seems to be believed by many people. Most gain that information through the internet, TV, and other media.
Many celebrities find themselves under that spotlight day after day. But lately, one has been targeted more than everyone else.
Justin Bieber.
Currently on his Believe tour, Bieber has been the victim of many rumors lately. From his pet monkey being taken, to him being responsible for the death of his hamster, to him stalking his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, and not being over their relationship. Now, let’s clear some of those rumors up.
1. Barbara Palvin- This young Victoria’s Secret model was spotted with Bieber and his crew awhile back. Soon after, rumors fired up that Bieber was romantically involved with her. False. (http://www.
2. Heartbreak- Bieber has gotten into a couple arguments with the paparazzi, his neighbor, and some other people lately. The media is quick to make up a reason. “He’s heartbroken over Selena Gomez. That’s why he’s acting out.” Negative. Maybe Bieber just has too much on his plate. Do they ever consider that he’s one of the most famous young adults in this world? Imagine growing up in front of the world, being judged for every move you make, it can’t be easy. (http://www.tmz.com/2013/04/
3. PAC- Bieber’s hamster, Pac, was well known throughout his fan base while he had him. Then, Bieber decided to be nice and give Pac to a fan. Unfortunately, the hamster died in March. And people are blaming the fan. She couldn’t control it! (http://www.digitalspy.com/
Rumors will be spread no matter what. But remember, celebrities have feelings too. And reasons behind what they do.
I am sorry, but after reading your article, I had myself a good cry over PAC. Poor Justin! All is fans have to stick together at times like this! Grat quote note ration and storing writers voice. Stick to APA style ggguurrll
This articele is very well written. You have a passion of keeping up with the life of Justin Bieber that it seems like you enjoy writing about Justin. Keep up the great work and i hope youll be able to meet Justin.