
“Drop the I-Word” is a campaign that was founded by Rinku Sen in 2010. The campaign is designed to stop people from using the term “illegal.” It targets broadcasting and online media.

The campaign proves that using the word “illegal” to describe or refer to someone is dehumanizing. If someone robs a store or vandalizes streets, they are doing something illegal. However, they are not labeled as “illegal” themselves.

“When people call me illegal, I feel like I am different from everyone else,” said an Urbana High School junior who chose to remain anonymous. “I am being categorized for something I have no control over.”

Most undocumented kids who were brought to the United States did not choose to immigrate.

“I wish people would stop using the “I” word because when I am called that I feel like I am less than them. It makes me feel uncomfortable and like I really don’t fit in,” said a UHS sophomore who also chose to remain anonymous.

The campaign also argues that the term “illegal immigrant” is an oxymoron because of the fact that ”immigrant” means to migrate to a different country with temporary or permanent legal residence. There is no such thing as illegal immigration.

The campaign’s success includes getting USA Today and the Associated Press Stylebook to drop the I-word, as well as 7 U.S. politicians – such as John Conyers and Luis Gutierrez. The campaign is now targeting the New York Times, telling them to “get with the times.”

The campaign’s next step is to get big news outlets that do not necessarily use AP style to stop using the I-word.

The campaign urges you to help stop the I-word by signing a pledge online at droptheiword.com.

About The Author

5 thoughts on "“Drop the I-Word”"

  1. I agree with you and it should be eliminated from our vocabulary because everybody is equal

  2. This was a topic discussed during the Cultural Narrative. The term “illegal” was not used by Echo journalists, but it was used by the submissions given to us. It is a touchy topic, and I am glad it’s being addressed.

  3. This is one of my favorite articles. It tackles a very controversial topic and you did a good job. I do agree that it should be taken out of vocabulary in schools and news.

  4. This is a great article, something that is very controversial and I appreciate your effort on addressing this article! Nice.

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