School comes first, and student athletes have a big responsibility to maintain a C or above in their classes while playing on a sports team.
Many things can affect one’s performance in school and sports. Sometimes the home environment can affect how you do on your class work. Staying up late playing video games or partying on school days can cause you to not turn your work in and fall behind.

It is really important to have your grades up if you want to go far in life. Coaches from colleges look at your grade and your skills. If they are not good, then there is a high chance that you will not be accepted. I went and asked a coach about what he expects from his student athletes, and he said that student should pass all of their classes to be able to get on the floor and do the right the right thing.

Certain student athletes often think that teachers are going to give them “free passes” because they are on a team. But in reality, you have to do all of your work. Some students fall behind because when their sports are in season, they would rather practice or rest than do homework. Some students get so far behind in classes that it becomes too late to turn in assignments in time to play in the game.

I asked a student which was more important: sport or grades, and he said grades because you cannot play if you don’t have a passing grade. The student said, “You cannot play if your grades are not where your talent at.”

If students go to school, they should go to very class and prove that they are trying to pass while making effort to pass.
Athletes also love the support of their friends, family and peers. They are driven by their ‘fans’ admiring them for doing the right thing. But if they continue doing whatever they want, then it won’t really work.

Athletes and grades come first but some players do not know this. They will be required to sit on the bench and watch their team play without them. I can relate to all this because it is a constant challenge for me every day.


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1 thought on "Student Athletes"

  1. Troy–I’m glad you wrote this article! It provides a nice look at a very relevant topic for many UHS students today.

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