Winter Break
Winter break starts December 21 and school resumes on January 7, 2013. Winter break is a time every student at Urbana High School looks forward to because it marks the end of a semester and the start of the holidays. Students look forward to this two-week break for lots of different reasons; such as getting more sleep, visiting family members, or celebrating Christmas and New Years.
Winter Holidays are very special for lots of families. Images of Santa Claus and Menorahs fill stores during holiday times. Most people celebrate Christmas by exchanging gifts and spending time with family members, whether it’s on vacation or just watching movies together. Jews celebrate Hanukkah, the festival of light, with a lot of food and gatherings to celebrate the rededication of the Temple in 165 B.C. by the Maccabees, after its desecration by the Syrians.
Below are some thought of UHS students about their holiday plans:
“I can’t wait for winter break, I get to go to Chicago to visit my uncle and I’m really excited, plus no more school for 2 weeks,” said sophomore Yaminah Muhammad.
Freshman Kevin Mboyo said, “I get to sleep more and I don’t have to wake up early for school or worry about getting homework.”
“I’m going to Colorado Denver to visit my family, I love them and I can’t wait. I love Colorado and the winter there,” said sophomore Emily Hutchison.
“I’m so excited to go to California this winter break, I’m visiting my family and I’m extremely excited because I don’t see my family a lot and I miss them very much,” said freshman Heidi Pierce.
Sophomore Bethany Peppers said, “Winter break allows me to spend time with my family, and celebrate Christmas, I love Christmas. I hope it snows, and I might be going down to Atlanta to see my family so I can’t wait.”
“I love winter break because I don’t have to be at school, and I get to sleep a lot more, and it’s Christmas who isn’t excited,” added Peppers.
Hang in there people; winter break is coming up very soon!