Senior Nights at Urbana High School
Every year, students who participate in sports at Urbana High School have Senior Nights, which are nights when seniors from each varsity team are honored at their last home game for their participation.
According to soccer coach Randy Blackman, this occasion began in 1989, and since then has become a tradition at UHS.
“When I started coaching soccer, only six freshmen started the program. At the time, we did not have a lighted soccer field, and the football allowed for a lighted game,” said Blackman. “Senior nights are important because they honor kids who have put their’ all into the team for four years. I like to honor the kids for their hard work,” said Blackman. “But nothing is more important than the game.”
“Football, basketball, volleyball, and soccer always had senior nights,” said Athletic Director Mr. Greg Hall. “Senior Nights have been a long time tradition that started in some of our more popular sports, but over time many other teams regardless of size and popularity have added a senior night event to their regular season schedule.”
“Completing four years of competition in a sport is considered a very honorable accomplishment,” said Mr. Hall.
“That is why coaches pick a night each season to recognize their seniors and thank them for their commitment and dedication over the previous four years.”
Athletes are given time to reflect over all of their accomplishments over the years, and it gives the opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication.
“Honoring the seniors in an athletic program is an important tradition that is appreciated by many. I think we do a good job of honoring our seniors at UHS,” said Mr. Hall. “There are some schools across the state that do not take time to recognize their seniors or follow this tradition and I feel that is wrong.” “The parents always enjoy Senior Night. They enjoy sitting back and reflecting on the career of their son or daughter,” said Mr. Hall. “It is also a time that brings attention to the maturity and growth that the athlete has shown over the years, which usually makes a parent very proud. For some parents, it is also a way for them to start the process of preparing for the end of their son or daughter’s high school career and the transition to college and other post-high school endeavors that the child might take on.”
“I like senior nights because it’s great way to reflect on the past years with the coaches and other players if it’s the last day of the season,” said Senior Varsity football player Myles Kelley. “This whole event honors the players on their season and thanks those for the great memories.”
“I like senior nights because it’s nice to feel honored by coaches and other members of the team. It makes everyone truly feel accomplished,” said Senior Varsity soccer player Miguel Fierro.
Mr. Hall concluded, “Any person who puts four years into an athletic deserves some recognition regardless of their status on the team. Every senior in each program should be honored, everyone from the team’s star player to the manager.”