UHS Blood Drive
Blood drives go on around the country all the time, but on Tuesday, May 1st in the wrestling gym at the High School, Urbana High School hosted a blood drive! The blood drive was held from 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Everyone who donated blood received a t-shirt. If you think donating is something you’re interested in, make sure you sign up to be a donor for next year’s blood drive in the main office at Urbana High School.
Junior Mary Donahue, who donated and volunteered at the drive, said, “Donating blood is important because there are tons of people who can really use that blood, and I decided to donate because I know its a small way to make a big difference in someone else’s life.”
Junior Ellen Beverly said, “I definitely think that blood drives are important. It gives kids and people who don’t have time or the knowledge of giving blood brought to them. There should be a lot more blood drives because the more blood, the better. Any person who can give blood can be saving at least one life.”
All students over 17 were allowed to donate. All 16 year olds needed a signed parental consent form, which is available in the Urbana High School main office. To donate, students brought a photo ID, ate a light meal, drank extra water prior to donating, and got plenty of rest the night before. They were allowed to donate Whole Blood, Platelets or red cells.
So if you want to donate next year, just go to Urbana High School and get the forms and sign up! Donating blood is a wonderful way to save a life.