Preflight Jitters–How to Overcome them!


So… you’ve got the preflight jitters?

First of all, relax. Flying in an airplane is about as risky as driving for 10 minutes at highway speeds. The risk of flying is the same no matter how long the flight is because 80% or more of the risk of crashing is during takeoff or landing. Author of, “The Survivors Club — The Secrets and Science That Could Save Your Life”, Ben Sherwood told ABC’s Sean Dooley, “You could fly every day for the next 164,000 years and not have an airplane crash.”

In fact, even if you were to find yourself in a crash, according to ABC, you have a 95.7 percent of survival. Basically, if you pay attention during takeoff, landing, and listen to the safety demonstration, you have nothing to worry about next time you fly in an airplane.

The most stressful part of flying is security. However, planning ahead can make security simple.

1) Keep all liquids in one place, under 3 ounces and in a quart sized zip lock. A quart-sized zip lock bag is a sandwich zip lock bag. You’re only allowed one quart sized bag with liquids, so it’s best to put any large containers or non-essential liquids in a checked bag.

2) Keep any electronics larger than a cell phone in one place. Chargers and small electronics can remain in your checked bag during security, but laptops and kindles must be removed and placed in their own bins during security.

3) Wear easy to remove and replace shoes; you will have to remove your shoes at security. Some airports allow children under 12 to leave their shoes on.

4) Make sure you have a valid ID with you along with your boarding pass in an easy-to-reach place.

5) All batteries should be put in your carry on bag, so they can be controlled during the fight in case they catch fire or in case of emergency.

6) If you use a luggage lock, be sure it is approved by airport security. Otherwise, if the airport has to open your luggage to inspect it when you are not present, they are allowed to open your luggage however necessary.

7) Check to be sure your carry on and checked bags are not too large or heavy according to airport policy.

8) If you are flying abroad, check to find out what the policies of the country you are traveling to are.

9) If in doubt about any item check online to see if it is allowed in your carry on, checked bags, or not at all.

10) Don’t carry items that may annoy or irritate other passengers. This includes heavy perfume, nail polish, loud electronics that you can’t turn down or mute, or anything you think could be annoying to other passengers. You do not want other passengers picturing you falling out the window of the plane.

11) Wear deodorant. The other passengers will thank you.

Use common sense when packing. If you are really unsure about if an item is allowed through security, call your local airport. Most of all, enjoy your flight.,r:10,s:16,i:197&tx=152&ty=78

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1 thought on "Preflight Jitters–How to Overcome them!"

  1. wow thsi advice was great!i’ll remember this the next time i take a flight anywhere!

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