“If I didn’t have my cellphone I would be so lost. It’s how I keep up with my friends from my old school, how I keep up with family– and how I set up dates with my boyfriend,” said Freshman Emily Sands.
According to Switched.com, this is how 82.5% of Americans would act when asked this question. Ninety-one percent of Americans have cellphones or telephones they use daily. Now just imagine how you would react if they just stopped working.
“Oh no, that is a question that will make me sad. I mean come on, no cellphones? Really?! I couldn’t do it. Nope, nope, nope,” said Freshman Krista Broom.
Many Americans would probably not even going to think about it. Many Americans would show this reaction because they wouldn’t be to handle these thoughts of something they’re used to being around them all the time, just not working for no reason.
“Well I guess I could get used to it, I mean we still have our hands, we can write letters,” said Freshman Alyssa Gambill. “Yes life would be difficult at first, but we would get used to it.”
Some might just react bluntly to this. Many Americans would show this reaction if cellphones were to disappear all of a sudden.
“I would probably throw my phone at a wall and run around screaming at random people to get my anger out,” Sophomore Tori Washington said.
This is the “rage” reaction many people would show. They would get mad because something they’re used to is taken away for no reason. This is something that many people would be afraid of happening, but it would be the most common thing that would happen.
If this really did happen, many different reactions would be seen by many different types of people. No matter what age, Americans use cellphones. Just look around. You’ll see people walking around texting, or talking to someone on their cellphones.
It’s a big thing to give up.


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