Problems with Students: Obesity in Schools
I have a new column and it’s called Problem with Students. My first article for this column is about Obesity in Schools. Obesity means to be excessively fat. Obesity is becoming a problem in the world for adults but also teenagers and little kids. Nathan Watson said, “As a physical educator, I want to help each student to become as healthy as possible. With students who want to change their weight, I think I can help them transform into the person they want to be.” Alliance Healthy Schools Program supports 13,000 schools. Want to know more? Read on.

Obesity is not good for anyone. Some causes of obesity are poor eating, over-eating or binging, lack of exercise, family history of obesity, medical illnesses, medications, stressful life or changes, family and peer problems, and or depression. “Obesity in children has tripled in the last 30 years,” said researchers for Children of parents that are obese have a 50% chance that their child would be obese.

Obesity causes a lot of health risks, especially in kids. Some risks for obesity are trouble sleeping, breathing problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, increase of heart disease. Also, depression, anxiety, and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) can happen. There are 300,000 deaths each year from obesity. “I think the best way to get a student to dress [for P.E.] is to talk to them and help them remove any obstacles they have in regards to dressing for Physical Education. Calling their parents doesn’t hurt either,” said Watson. Student athletes at Urbana High School should be In Personal Development if they want to succeed in their respective sport,” said Watson.

If you are obese and you don’t like it, here are some managing skills to help. You could join a weight manage group, change eating habits, plan meals, control proportions, or attend a support group. Also, limiting snacks, not using food as a reward, increasing physical activity, and eating meals as a family, also help. It’s sad when kids get teased at school for being a little bit overweight, but who says kids really are?

Little kids don’t know how to pick healthy foods so it’s the teachers, parents, and schools, that need to help look out for these kids. Sometimes it’s as even bad as kids getting neglected by parents because they don’t like how their child looks like in the movie The Help. Sixteen to sixty-three percent of children are obese. So let’s take a stand and feed children healthier food. It only takes one to get something big started. Are you going to be that one?

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