Hunger Games Excitement Builds

Suzanne Collin’s trilogy, “The Hunger Games” has become a national best seller. The first book “The Hunger Games” is now going to be a movie.
The movie takes place in a futuristic earth, a place where North American is dived into 12 Districts. Katniss Everdeen lives in District 12, and the annual Hunger Games are approaching. The Hunger Games are a fight to death,
Katniss becomes a tribute in the Hunger Games and begins the adventure of fighting for her life.
With a little over a month until the movie comes out, “The Hunger Games” has gotten quite a lot of publicity. Even though the movie will not come out until March 23, fans are eagerly awaiting for the premiere.
“The Hunger Games” has been featured in magazines such as Seventeen and Teen Vogue. The move stars are Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss), Josh Hutcherson (Peeta), and Liam Hemsworth (Gale). There has already been talk about the filming of the second film “Catching Fire.”
The movie was filmed in the summer of 2011. It was filmed in various locations throughout North Carolina. “It’s been an honor just to be a part of this (the film),” Alexander Ludwig, who plays Tribute Cato, told Teen Vogue.
“Not many people get to say they learned to knife-fight this summer!” Isabelle Fuhrman, who plays Tribute Clove, told Seventeen.
Many talented artists were featured in the movie’s soundtrack: Taylor Swift, Arcade Fire, The Decemberists, and Katniss herself (Jennifer Lawrence). China Glaze even has a nail polish line called “The Hunger Games”. Let the games begin!
Urbana High School’s opinion on the movie The Hunger Games
“It looks awesome and well done. I like the storyline of the books, and my sister want to see it,” said Urbana High School Sophomore Hannah King.
“I want to see the images in my head come alive,” said UHS Freshmen Jack Parrott.
“I like the suspense and danger in the book. I’m really excited for the movie to come out,” said UHS Freshmen Kaitlin Fouk.