Teen Issues Column: Identity

This week’s issue is Identity. Teens worry about a lot, and the way they look is on their mind all the time. If you want to know why teens get tattoos and piercings keep reading.
Many teens have some sort of tattoo or piercing or they want one.
Research says, “Men are less frequent at getting tattoos and piercings and would rather not get them.” Piercing and tattoos are cool but can include some complications for certain people.
Some dangers from getting a tattoo or piercing are regular infections, HIV/AIDS infection, pinch nerve, numbness, ink poisoning, cancer, skin reactions, and the use of unclean needles.
Margaret McDermott, a teacher at Urbana High School said, “There shouldn’t be laws about tattoos and piercing unless it dangerous to teen’s health.” Some of these dangers are not the piercer’s or tattoo artist’s fault.
Now let’s get to the fun part. Common tattoos are tribal, crosses, stars, butterflies, and fairies. Also, some common piercings are the lobe, anti-tragus, tragus, daith, rook, helix, orbital, industrial, outer conch cartilage, and inner conch cartilage.
Students at Urbana High School took surveys concerning whether or not they had tattoos or piercings. In my results most people have piercings and rarely do people have tattoos, but more have tattoos than one would think.
Also, people have friends that have tattoos and piercings but it is not considered rare to have friends that don’t. Most people plan on getting a tattoo or piercing but some don’t.
People get tattoos and piercings for many reasons. Some reasons why teens get them are for cultural, to express individuality, membership of some kind of group or way of life, to make a statement, permanent reminder of an event, reclaim the body after an event, making the body to please someone else’s eyes, and to annoy parents.
Rachel Moyer, a teacher at UHS was asked whether or not tattoos and piercings on teens are pointless. She said, “I don’t have any right to tell someone some part of their body is pointless. I trust that teens make these decisions with a purpose and meaning in life.”
Tattoos and piercings are a part of people’s style. They’re important to some teens. You don’t have to be punk or gothic to get a tattoo or piercing.
If getting a tattoo or piercing is a way you want to express yourself then do so, but keep in mind there are infections you can get if you don’t take care of it. Express yourself the way you want, don’t let anyone stop you from being you!