Asbestos in the UHS Auditorium!


Asbestos was found at the Urbana High School auditorium. The material glued to the plaster above the stage may contain transite, which contains asbestos.

The asbestos was discovered by construction workers who were working on the current renovation plans.

Freshman Raine Craig said, “I think it’s pretty unsafe, and that if anyone gets sick from it the school should be held responsible.”

The part of the ceiling that fell was just under the light booth. In 2008, when all of this happened, they checked for asbestos, and didn’t find any. But now, they found asbestos above the stage. But no one is in danger because it has been blocked off.

Asbestos is a fire retardant which is used in a lot of construction. However; isn’t harmful unless uncovered, exposed, and disturbed. But it has been disturbed in our auditorium.

Athletic Secretary Jen Malik said, “It’s (asbestos) a lovely fire retardant, just don’t inhale it.”

Once it was discovered Director of Facilities Ota Dosset said, “The District made arrangements with the asbestos removal company and this material was removed according to the Illinois Department of Public Health rules and regulations.”

They don’t expect this to delay the completion of the auditorium construction. The auditorium should be completed in sometime in 2012.

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