Anime Club Held at Urbana Free Library
“Anime Club is a club for people who love all types of anime. We talk about everything animeish, like, comics, graphic novels, drawing anime, reading anime, and all sort of things like that,” said Urbana High School Sophomore Tori Washington.
“I love Anime Club. Not many people know about anime club, but if you know about Anime Club you are a friend to everyone who goes to anime club,” said Sophomore Naomi Geores.
“At Anime Club we don’t allow anyone to hurt anyone else’s feelings, we consider all anime equally, and if anyone says other wise we have a heated discussion about it,” said Gracie Newberry, one of the leaders of the group.
“Anime Club started because some of my friends from the high school came up to me and asked why the library didn’t have any clubs for teenagers. I then asked them what kinds of clubs they wanted and they told me some type of Anime Club, that they could talk about anime and not get looked at like a weirdo,” said the leader, Nacie Carmakler, a Librarian at the Urbana Free Library.
Anime Club meets every Friday at 5 p.m.

in the conference room. It ends at around 6:30 p.m. The sponsor is not Urbana Free Library. The leader of the club is Gracie Carfasher.
After a few questions it was reached that anime club is a safe place for teenagers who like Anime Club, it’s just for teenagers, made by teenagers. And you only hear about Anime Club from people who are in Anime Club, who think you will enjoy coming to it.