Students to Students Club
Students to Students (S2S) is a new club at Urbana High School that formed from Fundamental Things Club. The club’s goal is to raise money for Kids Give, a group from Lawrence University in Wisconsin that raises money for kids in Sierra Leone to go to high school. The group has teamed up with Social Justice Committee in this effort.
Last year was Fundamental Things Club’s first year at Urbana High School. The group’s goal was to give the fundamental things in life to people who might not have them otherwise, so they decided to raise money for Heifer International, a charity that sends animals to third world countries and teaches the people there to use them in a way that they can benefit the most from them. Fundamental Things sold t-shirts as a fundraiser, but many of their fundraising plans fell through.
This year, the group decided to start new with a smaller charity that they can work more closely with, called Kids Give. Senior Kirsten Slaughter, the club’s president, found out about Kids Give over the summer. “I believe that Kids Give is a great opportunity to start improving the world one child at a time. Education is such a valuable thing that everyone should be exposed to and have the opportunity cherish,” Slaughter said.
The organization began taking service trips to Sierra Leone in 2009, and their next trip is planned to take place in December 2011. S2S will be helping Kids Give award scholarships to students at St. Mary’s Secondary School in Kukuya, Kambia. This is the first and only high school in Kakuya.
By joining SJC to raise money for Kids Give, S2S can get their name out there in a bigger sense. We are able to get the support of the school and really push to make a difference,” Slaughter said. “By working together we can bring the school together under one common cause of bringing social justice, not just to our school but to the world.”
To fundraise, S2S is going to have rake-a-thons on Sundays. The club meets every Wednesday in Foley’s room. “If you are interested in making a difference in the world then this is the place for you!” says Slaughter.