Some Users Unhappy With Facebook Updates


There have been a lot of complaints about the changes made on Facebook on September 21, 2011. It seems that many Urbana High School students and many people in general, hate it and are threatening to leave the popular social networking site.
Junior Kaitlyn Breitnfeldt said “I hate it! I don’t care what Facebook thinks my top news is. All I want to see is the recent stuff. Everything about the new format is just dumb. I complained to the Facebook people. I reported an issue and told them that I don’t want these new changes. Because how are they going to know we hate it if no one tells them directly.”
Junior Amirah Ar-Raheem feels the same way. “I really hate it. It’s confusing and it’s doing too much. They’re changing too much and I don’t see the point in changing something no one was complaining about. If they change something else, then I’m leaving the site,” she said.
Senior Piper Harvey also said, “I don’t really like it because it’s too complicated and I was used to the old Facebook. I don’t like how it tries to tell me what I would like by putting a triangle in the corner. I figured out how to post a status and it’s okay now, and I like the fact that they tried to give people narrower ways to search and get info.”
The Facebook changes were put on news shows like CNN, WCIA 3, and other local channels, as well as on the radio and other news websites. Even though there were many complaints, not everyone hates the new Facebook layout.
Sophomore Naudica Courtney said, “I like it, it’s not that much of a change. Everybody is making a big deal out of it. They didn’t even change that much. It’s easier to see what everyone is up to.”
There also has been a rumor going around saying that in the summer of 2012, Facebook will start charging people. It turns out that rumor is untrue because on the Facebook wall it states, “It’s always free and always will be.”
If Facebook were to start charging people then it would most likely be sued for false advertisement, because their site says that service is free.
“I would be mad because I’m on Facebook like all the time and if they start charging, then I’m not going to get on anymore. Nobody will. Who is going to pay money just to go to a website? We can all still just call each other,” said Courtney.

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2 thoughts on "Some Users Unhappy With Facebook Updates"

  1. Hate the Facebook changes. Even now, more than a month later, they still bother me. I barely get on Facebook on a computer anymore. They even changed how Facebook for Android is. It’s frustrating.

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