UHS Dress Code Causes Stir Among Some Students

Lately in the halls of Urbana High School, the dress code has been heavily in effect. Girls are getting stopped for short skirts, shorts, tanks and now racerback shirts.
It seems that the administration especially the deans have been cracking down on the dress code policy. This has ruffled a few feathers within the student body.
“It is unfortunate that the administration at UHS feels the school dress code is an issue deserving of the amount of attention and effort we have seen,” said Senior Abigail Taylor. “This is a public school. We are not at the Vatican or going to Amish Country.”
“Students are wearing less and less these days due to what’s in style right now. Rules haven’t really changed – we’re just trying to do a better job of being consistent, so a ton of kids have been approached,” said UHS Dean Angi Franklin.
Some teachers agree with the dress code and find it needed in the school atmosphere; when people don’t follow the dress code it can be distracting.
“The purpose of school is not to impress your friends with fashion, it is to learn,” said UHS teacher Mark Foley.
Skirts and shorts need to be fingertip length but recently it seems that girls have been told to go home and change for shorts that are well, not short at all.
“I understand they (administration) want girls to dress appropriate but this is over the top,” said Senior Tess Allen.
Some tanks are school appropriate but some expose too much skin and undergarments. It is up to the dean to decide the verdict on attire. If a student does not meet the dress code they will be asked to change. They are allowed to go home and change, or there are clothes available in Franklins’ office .
“I do sympathize with students who don’t feel they can express themselves because of the dress code, but there are a lot of places where we are not free to do whatever we want. School is one of those places,” said Foley.