TSA Techniques Cause Debate
On September 11, 2001, terrorist-controlled planes attacked the United States. During this tragic event, thousands died and the nation was in shock. From this point on, airlines security has been on high alert. They have made stricter rules and have developed advanced machinery in order to make plane rides safer. Freshmen Athena Lin said, “I think it’s a good thing that airlines’ rules have become stricter because we want to make sure that nothing happens again.”
The Transportation Security Administration has regulated the things that people can take on a plane. Some things obviously shouldn’t be brought on a plane like knives, guns, swords, and any other type of weapon. But the administration has also started to regulate things like lotion, any type of creams, gels and aerosols. Each of these items and a few other exceptions like medication and baby food must be in a 34-ounce container or smaller. Each one of these items must be put in a single, quart-size, zip-top, clear plastic bag.
Another measure of security that is enforced is the Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT). These are the x-ray machines that are used in airports to see if people have any dangerous objects under their clothes. This technology is accepted by much of the public, though some people do not like it because they find that it intrudes in their privacy. Pat-down may be needed if one fails the metal detector test or the AIT unit. Junior Marissa Jackson said, “I would feel uncomfortable getting a pat-down because it’s a total invasion of privacy and I don’t understand why they use it. They should have another method.” To avoid a pat down, one should empty out their pockets and avoid wearing clothes with high amounts of metal.
Though some people may disapprove of the x-ray machines, most of them would prefer the x-ray machines over pat downs. This is due to the many problems that these machines have caused. For example, some children have gotten pat downs. This has become a controversy because many parents have complained that their children have gotten groped. Others believe that it is unnecessary to pat down a child. Other children that have names of people on a list and says they must always be checked before going on a flight, have been forced to get a pat down every time they fly.