Spring Nail Trends

ellow Editor Gwen Childers wrote an article detailing the clothes at New York Fashion Week for Echo readers, and I wanted to supplement her piece with a tidbit about the nail trends to look for in the coming season. Because let’s face it: getting Gucci or Dolce and Gabanna here in Urbana is probably wishful thinking for most of us. But don’t fret: this article will document the hottest nail trends and you can do it yourself right here at home for less than the cost of a button on a designer jacket!
Trend #1: Tuxedo Nails, as seen at the Ruffian show
This look is intricate but with the help of a nail pen from Sally Hansen in black it gets easier. First, apply a base coat in whatever color you want the shirt to be (I think white looks best, but the lavender used at the Ruffian show is nice too) on the nail and let it dry completely. Next, use the black nail pen to make your “bow tie” at the top of the nail (two small triangles connected in the middle of the nail) and then a simple black line at the bottom of the nail for your “cummberbun.” Finally, add three small dots down the center for your buttons. Let dry and you’re done!
Trend #2: Short, Gray Nails. As seen at the Trias show
Simple and chic, this grey will go with everything! First, cut your nails so they are short and then round them with a mail file or buffer. Next add two coats of a matte gray polish and let dry. Your nails will be anything but boring!
Trend #3: Nail Bands? As seen at Vena Cava show…
I’m not so sure about this look, but maybe some of you are daring enough to try it. The goal of this look is not to paint your nails, but your fingers by painting a “ring” with polish around or under your knuckles. Popular colors include blue, orange and magenta. Enlisting a friend to help is probably a good idea to ensure your circle is even around the finger…
Which look are you excited to try, UHS? Comment below!