New Excused Absence Policy

The administration is contemplating putting in a new policy for excused absences for the 2011-2012 school year. They found that the attendance during the 2010-2011 school year went down substantially from the 2009-2010 school year.
Urbana High School Assistant Principal, Travis Courson, said the attendance policy change is mandatory, though the administration isn’t sure of what they would change it to. “Schools have to meet a certain attendance rate determined by the state every year. We aren’t meeting that rate.”
Principal Dr. Laura Taylor says that the excused absence policy from a couple of years ago wasn’t good. “It used to be that over seven days of absences, you couldn’t make up work,” said Taylor. But that’s not good for a student’s grades.
The school administration are thinking about taking away privileges, such as sports events, if a student misses a certain amount of days of school. Those privileges will be gone for the semester.
However, Taylor reminds us that this exact plan might not take place. “It’s not set in stone yet. But something will definitely change.”