The High School Relationship Debate: To Date or Not To Date


 Since students started going to high school, there has been an ongoing debate on whether or not romantic high school relationships are even worth anyone’s time.
A website known as ‘’ held a poll and quiz based on high school relationships. Their statistics have shown that only three percent of high school sweethearts get married, only to end up divorcing. Then even less than two percent of high school sweethearts end up getting married and staying together forever. Freshman Kylie Hendricks said that usually happens because “We are too young and immature to truly know what ‘love’ is.”
“I think that high school relationships almost never last because of the useless drama that exists!” said Freshman Kolbi Williford.
Sophomore Ben Lash said, “Teenagers have crazy hormones. We usually do not really know what we want.”
A survey was taken in 2011 by Yahoo in the US on high school relationships. Most people thought that the reason why most high school relationships do not last is because, “they think they’re so in love and it turns out that they’re not. They’re just so strung up in the teen years and the freedom and the exploration that it just all whirls together where they don’t really know the difference between love, like, and lust,” according to Yahoo.
Senior Laeticia Ngamboma said, “High School relationships are definitely not worth it! You have better things to worry about. You should concentrate more on important things, like school and/or family, than some random guy or girl you think you love.”
Freshman Kayla Lard disagrees.”If the couple is willing to be loyal to one person and can communicate well and be mature enough to handle any tight situations like most adults can, then there really is not a reason as to why a teenage love can’t last,” she said.
Freshman Madison Harrinson said, “It’s not about finding love that will last, it’s about learning and becoming experienced so that when you do find the right person, you’re ready.”

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12 thoughts on "The High School Relationship Debate: To Date or Not To Date"

  1. When high school lovers get married, I think that it doesn’t last because they didn’t really get to experience the freedom of being single and being in different relationships, so eventually they get tired of each other, I have seen this happen with a couple, who married very early.I noticed how the guy was very flirtatious with other females and eventually the wife got fed up with his foolishness and they got a divorce.

  2. This is a very interesting subject. I believe that relationships should not be the ONLY thing that is important in this high school life BUT if you truely want one then go ahead!! It’s important if YOU learned a valuable lesson when the relationship didn’t turn out very well. Isn’t that whats life is all about? Learning from our mistakes?

  3. Marrying your High School sweetheart in my family is very common, My grandparents have been together since they were 17. Yes, that is a different age and time but It’s still love. My aunt and uncle have been together since they were 14 and I’ve honestly never seen a better relationship! 3 of my cousins are still in their High school relationships some even are married with children and my brother is still in his High School relationship! I am one of the few people who DO believe that High school relationships can last. I’ve seen plenty of High School relationships end sourly; but you have to be right for each from the start. If the guy is a naturally flirty guy chances are it wont really last. Responsibility is a major issue and as most teenagers aren’t responsible enough for a relationship to last some are. You can’t put all teens in one category. I started dating my boyfriend in Junior year and now in our first year of College we are doing great! We are going on 3 years, we live together, we even have a kitty. No I am not proof of a lasting high school relationship but I hope to be. Not many people have faith in young love, and I want to prove people wrong. I think everyone is to quick to stereotype all teenagers.

  4. I agree with Stephanie regarding placing all teens into one category… Truth is some teenagers have more responsibilities then others. And these teens, I believe are more likely to work hard at their relationship. I myself have been dating my high school sweetheart for over 7 years. After the 6 year mark, he proposed and then one year after that we bought our very first house. The wedding is taking place in another 6 month. I honestly believe it is possible for high school sweethearts to last. My fiancé and I do not see each other with anyone else. We believe we were truly made for one another. 😀 We went through rough patches and our relationship was really put to the test. But what couple hasn’t. I went to college while he got a full time job. I had fun and enjoyed being a teen even though I was in a relationship. But, that never had an affect on our relationship because we truly wanted to be with each other and make it work. The point to all my blabbering is… Statistics are just numbers… It’s how you truly feel about one another that counts;)

  5. I think that if someone doesn’t want to date in school, or they haven’t found someone that they would like to date (either outside of school or not), they shouldn’t be messed with if that’s their choice. I hate it how people that don’t date in high school get bothered about it. I think that it is their choice to date or not. They are probably smarter than everyone else because they wouldn’t ever waste their time with someone who doesn’t truly love them.

  6. Hi! My name is Meredith Potter, and I live in Oxford, Maine. I take journalism class here, which means that I write for my town newspaper. I was just wondering if I could take some information from your article, as long as I cite you?

    Thanks! Just wanted to make sure it was okay.


  7. I hate when people in my school say their in love and they only been going out for 1 month!!!!!!! ohhh please dont say that your 15!!!! and every time i tell them u dont know what true love is they get mad but not my fault i just dont want them getting to into it

  8. My only question to anyone who is willing or thinking about dating in highschool. Why?

    I dated girls in middle school as well as my freshmen and sophmore year (im a senior), So im did what im preaching against, and talked to a good friend of mine who is in college now. He loved this girl, but didnt go out with her, they both liked eachother, but they didn’t get together. Why? He did that because he didn’t see a future, He had plans already to go to NY for college (Live in Cali). Ya he would come back to visit and see her, but truthfully how many people that say they love eachother, and end up breaking up. There is really no point to date in highschool for what are you going to share with your wife later in life. When you are with your wife later in life and didn’t date in highschool you will see how much more special it is, to kiss your wife or anything else. I see how you see everyone else doing it and some couples do end up being highschool sweet hearts, but look at the percentage of how many people who date in highschool, who do get married, how small that percentage is.

    Basically I shouldn’t have dated in highschool there was no point, as now I can be friends with girls and guys alike and have fewer problems and less drama. Hopefully I explained myself okay and you guys see where I am coming from.

    IF You Disagree with me read this: I am NOT saying it is wrong to date in highschool, I am just saying why it is not wise to do so.

  9. hai! im a highschool student here in leapnto and i would like to get your opinions on why we must go into a relationship while studying?
    were having a debate sooo can i?

  10. Hi there, my name is Valerie. This is just coming from my high school relationship experience. But.. I’m a sophomore in high school with half a semester left before I turn 16 and I have been in a relationship with the same guy since the end of my 8th grade year. We were young, I know. But somehow we’ve made it work. We have been together for about 2 years and 2 months. And everything is great. I would like to think of our relationship as one who beats the statistics of the typical high school relationship. But it’s funny because everyone tells us that we will be in that small percentage to get married and last… I appreciate it very much and can’t wait to see what the future holds (:

  11. If dating in high is not bad at all and infect it prepares you for the future. Dating will help you know or see what normal relationships are like , so you would find yours in a relationship that you are not happy and where by it will be to late for you get out. so I strongly believe that one can date in high if they want to and if that is not gonna interfere with their school work.

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