Update on Bake Sale for Lucas

In honor of Lucas Billingsley, Urbana High School hosted a bake sale that took place outside the school’s cafeteria. The idea for the fundraising came from UHS teacher, Erin Ludwick.
“A few of her students wanted to do something for Lucas and to show their support for the Special Olympics; an organization in which Lucas was very involved,” said SPED UHS teacher, Christine Creek. “My students heard about the sale and wanted to be involved.”
All of the people who wanted to help with the bake sale all worked together to make the fundraising a successful one. “Along with raising money, we wanted to give students with a variety of abilities the experience of working together,” said Creek, “Together; they baked the delicious treats and worked side by side at the sale.”
Creek said that the inspiration behind the bake sale was to be able to raise money to honor Lucas and his family with the memorial brick. “We also wanted to bring awareness to Special Olympics and we wanted Lucas to be remembered for his participation in the Olympics.”
The proceeds of the bake sale will go towards the purchase of a brick in Tiger Lane in Lucas’s honor. Any proceeds above the cost of the brick will go to the Special Olympics. “We all wanted to be sure that Lucas’s wonderful smile, hard work, and positive attitude were always remembered at UHS,” said Creek.
For Creek, there are many ways in which she could remember Lucas. She remembers how Lucas would always greet her when he delivered the mail. She says that he was always so excited to come by the classroom and say hello to the other students. “I will always remember how he used to press the various greetings on his communication board,” said Creek. “You’ve got mail, was my favorite.”
The bake sale turned out to be a success. “We hope that all the students that purchased items from the bake sale understand that they contributed to a wonderful cause,” said Creek.