UHS Students’ New Years Resolutions

Bringing in the New Year means different things to people. To some it is just a number changing, others it is more serious like those who make a new years resolution. Some choose to set a new budget, go to the gym or get better grades in school.
However the students and staff of Urbana High School have some of the most unique answers in the Central Illinois area. Senior Mandy Facer said “My New Years resolution is to floss my teeth daily.”
“Going to church every Sunday is my goal,” said Sophomore Joel Shea, “I need to get my work done earlier in the weekend so I have the time to make it to church.”
Others do not have a New Years resolution such as Senior Kenneth Johnston. “I see no point in it, I never thought it was that important so I didn’t put time into it.”
It is difficult to find one definition for a New Years resolution, because it changes for everyone. Christie Stark defines a New Years resolution as “A goal you set for yourself to be a better person the upcoming year.”
“A New Years resolution is a goal that you set personally, however anyone can say they want to lose weight or work out more often,” said Ms Detrick, “A resolution needs to be something that is unique to you that no one else can obtain, it must come from your heart.”
Now that the year 2011 has hit us people have started their resolutions. Many have already quit like Sophomore Evelyn Luna “I wanted to be more respectful to my friends and family,” she said.