UHS’ Feminist Club
This fall, UHS launched the Feminist Club. The Feminist Club is sponsored by English teachers: Ellen Dahlke and Erin Ludwick. The club meets every Friday, right after school.
“Ms. Dahlke and Ms. Ludwick are the perfect team, they are really bringing the group along,” said Sophomore, Sophia Ruiz-Gehrt.
Feminist Club was Ruiz-Gehrt’s idea. She came up with the idea for the club last year. “You hear students joke and talk about feminism and make sexist jokes, but I don’t think they even know what they are talking about,” said Ruiz-Gehrt.
The club started this year and already has many plans for the semester. “I joined feminist club because it sounded like something right up my alley, and to help get rid of stereotypes,” said UHS Freshmen Bridget Mueller-Brennan.
The club will hold a bake sale. It will be during fourth, fifth, and sixth hour, January 19 and 23.The club is also hoping to get more publicity with the t-shirts that they are creating. The front of the shirt will say “UHS Feminist Club”. The back will say “How have you treated women to day?” (see image below). The shirts are being sold now and can be bought in Ludwick’s room for or $15.
The Feminist Club does not only focus on getting rid of feminine stereotypes but stereotypes of men as well. The club realizes that these stereotypes do not necessarily just affect women, but men also. Not all men fit in the stereotypical man and can feel hurt by stereotypes as well.
“There is not always a place in the curriculum to talk about this and both male and females get hurt by comments; Feminist Club is a safe place to talk,” said Dahlke.