“Far Out” Music Group Interview

Potential hip-hop group “Far Out” consist of four high school seniors. There are three Urbana High School students and one member from Decatur McArthur High School. The young artists go by the names J.E.F.F., LeNeL, Sky Kid, and DevD. These artists have been spreading slowly but surely, throughout the Champaign-Urbana area. They have performed all around the area during the summer of 2010, and participated in the C-U Superstar Program. These adroit artists have advanced their recognition to the fullest. Now early in the year 2011, word on the street is that each one of these hip-hop artists are bringing something new to the table.
Now let’s get to know these artists a little bit.
Sky Kid= Treviante Brown
J.E.F.F.= Calin Bruett
LeNeL= Lenell Knox
DevD= Darren Gray
(Q) How long have you been involved with music?
Sky Kid: “I’ve been involved with music for about five years now…. Yeah 5 years.”
J.E.F.F.: “I’ve been doing this since I was six years old.”
LeNeL: “I was 14 years old when I considered myself involved with music.”
DevD: “For about ten years.”
(Q) What inspires you the most with your music?
Sky Kid: “My current life situations.”
J.E.F.F.: “My friends and my future.”
LeNeL: “Whatever my five senses experience.”
DevD: “Everyday life inspires me. From a music stand point, Lupe Fiasco inspires me.”
(Q) Do people make comparisons about you to other artists, or give you an instant judgment about you and your music?
Sky Kid: “I don’t know why, but people always compare me to Tyga (Young Money). Like I said, I don’t know why because the music I make is deeper than his.”
J.E.F.F.: “Yeah man they do sometimes. Sometimes they mention Ludacris and they say I rap about life situations.”
LeNeL: “They say I’m weird (lol) and then always throw unique in there. I use to hear comparisons often, but now nobody knows who they can compare me too.
DevD: “No. I don’t really get compared to people or other artists. I’m said to have my own style.”
(Q) What kind of artist do you see yourself as?
Sky Kid: “A lyrically, versatile, creative, story -teller.”
J.E.F.F.: “I don’t want to say a story-teller. I mean, some of my songs are telling stories. I would say an uplifting artist.”
LeNeL: “MusiCool.”
DevD: “I’m considered a people’s artist. I make music that can relate to people.”
(Q) When are you releasing your first project/mixtape/album? What is the name of it, and what is the concept?
Sky Kid: “On February 1st. The mixtape is called “Young But Old”. The name is pretty self-explanatory because I’m taking songs from back in the day and putting my own twist to them.”
J.E.F.F: “Sometime during the 2nd week of February, maybe. It’s called MCU. It’s about me completing high school and going off to college.”
LeNeL: “I’m shooting for either February 11th or Valentines Day. It’s called The L Word. All I’m going to say is, my feelings and thoughts just sprouted. Just wait until you possess it.”
DevD: “It’s already out. You can go to Reverbnation.com and listen to it or download it. The name of it is “The Kid With The Blue Shoes”, and the concept is just about a normal kid making first impressions.”
(Q) What is the best line(s) you have used in your lyrics?
Sky Kid: “I’m a fourth generation family tree, there’s no great after me.”
J.E.F.F: “If I can change the game, I would give it common sense (cents). We use to hide behind the windows, but that’s past tense (tents).”
LeNeL: “Everybody is a lyricist. Just stop being a sell out, and open up your business.” DevD: “Through my samurai sword eyes, I take a stab at it and see where my future lies.”
(Q) What moral do you always keep within you?
Sky Kid: “Excellence is not what we do; it’s who we are, being different from the rest.”
J.E.F.F.: “Always produce good music.”
LeNeL: “Lenell, don’t be a sell out. Open up your business.”
DevD: “Stay true to yourself.”
This group has a lot of potential. Thanks for the interview!