Around Urbana High School, students have argued on whether Physical Education should be a mandatory class to take or optional. Students say that if Physical Education in high school is removed as one of the classes, it will affect student’s health and a lot of students will start becoming overweight and obese.

Other students argue that Physical Education should be an optional class where students choose it if they want to. They feel that students should be able to choose a different class other than P.E. if they think it they will learn more. The following is what some students and teachers say:

UHS Senior Laura Orozco: Students should have a choice of whether or not they should take P.E., because if they think it would be more beneficial for them to take another class, they should be free to decide on the issue.

UHS Senior Rita Haber: If students are already involved in a sport or a personal fitness hobby, such as going to the gym, they should be an exempt from a P.E. class. However, P.E. is not part of academics, and should ultimately be kept separate.

UHS Junior Kashala MaCain: P.E. should be a required class in high school because it is something that can help students. Students need to learn about their bodies and how to stay healthy, and maintain being healthy.

UHS Cross Country coach and Math teacher Renee Hunt: If students are involved in any athletic activities, they shouldn’t have to take P.E. in school because they do physical activity at a higher level about 2 to 3 hours after school, but if one is not involved in any athletic activities, they should be required to take P.E.. In theory, P.E. is to get at least some physical activity every day so they can stay physically fit. Those involved in athletic activities could use something like study hall or take another class.

UHS Cross Country coach, P.E. teacher and health teacher Peter Breit: P.E. should be a required class for all students because it gives them the opportunity to get a 50 minute period of physical activity which they will appreciate when they get older when they don’t have much time because they will realize the importance of working out and staying healthy. Students involved in sports should also have to take P.E. because it gives them a chance to learn different fitness principles whereas if they are doing a specific sport and don’t have to take P.E., they only learn the principles for only that one sport.

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2 thoughts on "The P.E. Debate"

  1. In my opinion, P.E. should not be mandatory due to the fact that for many students it is a waste of time, where although they have the opportunity to get physical activity, they choose not to. they do what ever they can to get the points for that day and nothing more. I am basically saying the P.E. is a burden over a helpful thing. Unfortunately, I believe that there is a state law that says that students in public school must have a certain amount of physical activity per day. So we are stuck with it unless they want to bring recess to high school. Another thing is that the P.E. final is a waste of time. What is needed for the test is not even covered until the week before the final. By doing this students don’t actually learn anything they just repeat what they was told to them.

  2. i read….a lot.I am able to comprehend what I read, write about it at will, design poems and the such, carry on conversations about my readings and even get involved in critical thoughts about what I read….does this make it OK for me to get exempt from my English class? Of course, not. Neither should sn athlete be exempt from taking a class due to being in a sport inside or outside of his his/her school. What good is my degree if I am too fat, or too unhealothy to utilize my degree?…and then there is obesity…PE is the ONLY thing left helping that issue…body & mind are connected, and the sooner that everyone understands that, supports that and fights for that, we will see more emotionally unstable individuals young & old, more physically unhealthy individuals, young & old and defiitely more socially awkward individuals, young & old…

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