Everyone knows about the silly cheap sensation that people can’t get enough of. They are known as Silly Bandz! They come in the form of musicians, mythical creatures, and so much more. And they have now made more than $12 million dollars!
Now, there are good and bad things about Silly Bandz. The good things are: They’re cheap, fashionable, and everyone is wearing them. The bad things are: They cut off circulation to your hands, if you wear too many, your arm will swell, and some teachers think that they are distracting.
Many schools have banned these colorful bandz. Some teachers say that kids don’t focus in class because they are trading them, which can be very distracting. Principals have banned these colorful distractions because they think they are a danger to the kids’ learning.
This new sensation just gained a new design: Justin Bieber Silly Bandz. They are available at Toys ‘R’ Us. Many people are going to want them, because Justin Bieber is the most famous teen to hit the hip-hop/pop market.
We asked students at UHS about Silly Bandz. (Sophomore) Taylor King said, “I got started in the silly bandz because my best friend gave me one. At first I didn’t know what it was! I only wear a silly band one day and not the next. I do this once a month.”
We also asked (Freshman) Hannah Short About her experience with Silly Bandz. “I like Silly Bandz because everyone is wearing them and they are colorful! I suddenly saw people at school were wearing them and I thought I should do the same!”
Silly Bandz are sold all over the world. The best place to buy them are at Wal*Mart and Toys ‘R’ Us, because they cost less at these places. The most expensive place to buy them at is Hot Topic for $8 a package.
Just make sure to watch yourself with wearing silly bandz, and try not to wear so many that your arm needs to be cut off or amputated!

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1 thought on "Silly Bandz"

  1. I absolutely hated those when they came out! It’s hard to believe that they were so popular

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