Finals Prep Tips

Finals are here, UHS. This year marks Urbana’s first for holding finals before break, so students are faced with the change of adapting to this schedule in addition to the usual stress of semester exams. But not fear, students! The Echo has compiled a list of tips from UHS Seniors who have navigated exams many time before on how to successfully survive finals without the tension, so read up and get ready to take on the tests.
Tip 1: Study. No, Really.
“Finals don’t exist just to ruin lives,” Senior Glynn Davis said. “Although studying may seem daunting and unnecessary, it’s very important to refresh your memory on the things you’ve learned from the beginning of the year.”
To study for the tests, first decide the level of difficulty of each subject and then designate an appropriate amount of time to dedicate to each respective class. For example, if AP Chemistry is really hard, give that subject a few nights whereas P.E. may only need twenty minutes.
Second, find your study method. Some people are auditory learners, so record yourself saying notes then put the track on your iPod and listen to it throughout the day (not at school). Other students are visual learners: draw diagrams of complex science processes or create flashcards for math formulas. Everyone is different, but finding the study process that works for you will help you find success once finals arrive.
Finally, be consistent in your studying: do not cram the night before. Starting two weeks or a week before a big test allows you time to re-familiarize yourself with the material without a time crunch or stress. As Senior Myisha Howard says, “There is no such thing as studying too much!”
Tip 2: Sleep. Sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzz.
Teenagers are growing and developing beings, so sleep is a necessary part of life in normal life. In finals time however, it is especially important. “When you are well rested, you can concentrate at a higher level,” said UHS teacher Renee Hunt. “You are also able to think more clearly.”
Start a healthy sleep schedule a week before finals: go to bed at a consistent time, and rise at the usual time you get up for school (even on weekends). It may be tempting to snooze late on Saturday or Sunday, but doing so will mess your body’s internal clock up and make it even harder to wake up on Monday.
Tip 3: Don’t Stress.
It’s easy to worry about finals. After all, twenty percent of your grade is a pretty big deal. However, stressing is not going to make you more productive or healthy. When you feel an anxiety surge or a sense of panic, take a twenty-minute break from the books and just sit and be still. Meditate, listen to calming music, or eat a healthy snack to recharge your mind and body.
Good luck on your finals, UHS! The Echo hopes these tips will help.