Echo Reporter Goes to Africa
Do you like wild animals? Have you always wanted to visit a zoo or an animal shelter? Well, Nairobi Safari Walk animal orphanage is a good place for you to visit. It is the oldest but most amazing animal orphanage in Kenya. This site records over 200,000 visitors every year.
The animal orphanage is housed, and it is the only wildlife protected area in a capital city in the world and is often home to more than 20 different animals and bird species. The major attraction is the amazing up-close animal view, bonding with orphaned animals and playing with the cheetah. “The up-close view and interaction with the animals is very serene, especially with the beautifully made walking paths,” Bonstein Sisa, one of the visitors said.
The site is home to lions, cheetah, hyena, jackal, serval, very rare sokoke cats, warhogs, ostrich, leopards, various monkeys, baboons, buffalo and birds consisting of parrots, guinea fowl and crown crane. The site brings out a beautiful view with all the animals in their houses.
Tourists can visit the site all year long. The weather does not get too bad. In January to March, it is hot and dry. In April to June, it is hot and wet and in July to December, it is very warm and wet.