UHS Students Discuss Spirit Week

Some students at Urbana High School were complaining about the themes that were chosen for this homecoming week. Farm Monday, Tacky Tourist Tuesday, Walt Disney Wednesday, Thursday Class Color Day, and Friday wear your orange and black for Tiger Pride Day.
The last two themes were a must, so no one worried too much about that. The most talked about ones were the first three. Some of the students were wondering why the cheerleaders were the only students at the school that were allowed to pick the themes. “It’s always been a tradition for years, and they inhabited it,” said Hall. “The cheerleaders are the preppiest people known throughout the school, and they pick appropriate themes.” Several sources interviewed said that the cheerleading coach played a large role than the cheerleaders than the cheerleaders themselves in picking the themes.
Out of all the themes chosen though, one of the sources; Ronnie Portis, a freshmen, said that ‘Class Color Day’ was the best because, you got to show your class spirit around the whole school. “There are always some people who wish we did different themes each year, but we just can’t please everyone,” says Hall. “One of the main reasons some of the themes students pick are not accepted is because it might not appropriate or safe of school.”
Now, it would be a great idea if anyone is thinking about going up to Mr. Hall’s office and talking to him about using the polls idea for 2011-2012 homecoming week. Although there had been an idea about letting students pick whatever they wanted to do for the week; as in taking a poll.
“I think taking a poll would be a great idea, because we would actually know some of the things in store for us, and not be too disappointed by the results,” says Kylie Hendricks. Hall says he thought about it, but it would take way too long to narrow down the themes chosen. And some students would forget to vote, which would only make the things more difficult.