UHS Soccer Enjoys Stellar Season

“This season is coming along really good because we are doing a great job beating our competitions. It’s just really coming along,” says Kevin Lopez, one of the soccer players on Varsity. This years’ Urbana soccer team has been doing a great job during their games. Varsity has won eight games so far, and Junior Varsity have won four, and tied two games.
The soccer team has played many different schools so far, like Edwards Ville, Normal West, Mattoon, Central, Charleston, and Centennial. The guys’ practices usually consist of half-mile runs, or more. “It’s hard work, but in the end, still a great exercise,” says Ricky Patel, Junior Varsity.
Pretty much all of the players on the soccer team have a good reason about why they started playing soccer. Daniel Leil, Junior Varsity, says, “My dad inspired me to play soccer, and he’s been playing soccer since he was 4 years old.” Lopez says that he’s been playing soccer since the sixth grade. He says it is a fun, entertaining sport. He loves the fact that after each game, he alwaysaccomplishes things he never thought he could.
The UHS Soccer team won their game against Mattoon on September 25, 2010. Urbana improved to 10-2 (5-0 in Big 12) with an 8-0 victory against Mattoon. ”Sometimes we take a step forward and sometimes we take a step back,” Urbana coach Randy Blackman said. “We are getting better, a little deeper in players to go to.” Adam Blackman had three goals and Jonathan Lukusa a pair. “I feel we were fortunate to win because the other team were really good players,” said Coach Blackman. “That shows us that we need to prepare more, and not underestimate our opponents.”