THE CREW Cheers on Tiger Teams

A new wave of school spirit has hit Urbana High School. Students and Teachers may not be able to agree on homework but they can agree on who they are rooting for every Friday night. Specifically speaking students are extremely excited about this year’s football team, which has seemed to improve significantly over last year’s team. With all this bottled up anticipation a new club has arisen.
THE CREW, formally titled Paw Pack, is the student cheering section for Urbana sports. THE CREW plans on being at as many sporting events as it can to cheer on our fellow tigers in every shot, kill, ace, touchdown and goal this year. Students who join THE CREW are required to wear orange and black to any events that they plan to attend. Also members of THE CREW get into games and matches free so, to become apart of THE CREW, just go to 3120 and sign up with Ms. Detrick and be on your way to cheering Urbana on to many victories this year.
Trevor Richmond is a leading student advisor to the U-Crew. When asked why he accepted this challenge Trevor said, “I took charge in trying to start a tradition.” This new wave of school spirit is motivating our athletes to perform better. Specifically speaking the football team got there first win while being cheered on by the U-CREW. “It feel’s good having people cheer for your team to win,” says Kameron Fry, Senior receiver for the football team. Elijah Grant, who plays right tackle for Urbana said, “Personally I feel empowered to win for my school and my town. It increases my drive to win.”