UHS Students Surveyed About Tattoos

Last week, one hundred Urbana High School students participated in an anonymous survey conducted by “The Echo” asking about their opinions on tattoos. While the survey did not cover how many students in the building actually had tattoos, it did ask what they thought of the trend and whether or not they wanted to get “inked.” The results were surprising: 34 percent of respondents dislike tattoos, 31 percent like tattoos, 31 percent think it depends on whether the tattoo is meaningful or not and 4 percent are indifferent.
While the surveys did ask yes or no questions, they also asked students to elaborate on their responses to show the reasoning behind the data. Below are sample responses that demonstrate each of the answers given by students.
“No (I don’t think it’s cool when people get tattoos); they damage the body for the sake of transient artistic appeal,” said one UHS student who participated in the survey.
Other students disagreed. “Tattoos are a way for people to express themselves and show the things they care about- I think they’re really cool,” one respondent said.
Thirty-one percent of students surveyed wrote that if the tattoo had a purpose or symbolized something, then they were a good idea. “Tattoos can be awesome, but sometimes they look like trash. It really depends on where it is and the meaning behind it.”
One question asked students if they wanted to get a tattoo: 52 percent said yes. “I want a tattoo because my body is a canvas for art,” one respondent said. “I think it’s cool when people express themselves on their body.”
Thirty-six percent of students who participated in the survey said they have no plans of getting a tattoo, however. “I came into this world without any tattoos, and that’s the way I want to leave it,” one UHS student said.
While over half of the students surveyed by “The Echo” desire to get a tattoo, 50 percent of respondents said their parents aren’t okay with them getting one, and an additional 15 percent say they can’t get one until they move out. “My mom doesn’t want me to get a tattoo because she hates the permanency of it,” one student said. “She warns me I can’t change it if I decide I don’t like it.”
Overall, the results of the survey were rather diverse. Some students really want a tattoo, while others are firmly against it and others remain undecided on the topic. Do you want one? Comment below!
Thx for information.