Reviving Your New Years Resolution



Making a resolution at New Years in my family is a tradition. Whether it’s losing those extra five pounds, making a sports team or just spending more time together, we each like to have a goal to work towards in the coming year. With the new horizon of opportunity offered by a fresh 365 days, many other people at Urbana High School took up resolutions as well.

“Resolutions can be fun and they are also good for you,” Junior Jeff Sweedler says. “Everyone has something they can improve on.”

But here we are, two months after New Years, and a great deal of the fresh start motivation has worn off. If you are having trouble with your resolution, don’t give up hope. This article is here to show you it’s not to late to reach your objective and show you’re not alone in your struggle.

Health-Related Resolutions

Whether it’s eating more nutritious foods or losing weight, health resolutions can be difficult. If you’re discouraged, ask yourself why you wanted to change your body/eating habits? Do you want to be healthier? Are you looking to get in shape for an athletic team or big event? Find your motivation, and make sure it’s focused on you; don’t change your body for someone else. Eating broccoli and hitting the gym regularly isn’t always fun, but if you have a clear reason pushing you forward, you will be less likely to give up.

If you’re bored with your workout routine, switch it up: take a yoga class, shoot some hoops with your brother or try walking to your destination instead of driving (within reason). Being healthy now will help you establish good habits that will allow you to live longer and enjoy life fully later on in life. For more health-related tips, check out “Echo” staff writer Meredith Headtke’s blog, Got Sole?

Procrastination-Related Resolutions

If you made a procrastination resolution, you’re not alone. Teenagers today have demanding schedules that include extra-curriculars, college applications, service projects, jobs, and did I mention homework? Often times we struggle with managing our time to allow us to accomplish the maximum amount of activities and assignments.

Jackson Nguyen, a Junior at UHS, understands the stress and how tempting it is to put aside your schoolwork and relax. “I used to put my homework off to the very last moment,” Nguyen said. “But when New Years came, I decided to break the cycle and get my homework done earlier.”

If you are also trying to stop procrastination, Nguyen advises making a list of everything you have to do for the day, and checking goals off once accomplished. By laying out everything out in one place, you can better manage your time and be aware of your responsibilities. Once everything is done, you will have time to do something you enjoy without that list of assignments hanging over your head.

Attitude-Related Resolutions

It can be hard to not fall into the depressed and sullen teenager persona, but don’t do it! While the winter weather can cause you to want to curl up in a ball until summer, resist the urge. We have a lot to be excited about…spring sports, summer vacation, etc. Those of you who made resolutions to have a brighter outlook are on your way to a happier life like Maya Patterson.

“I want to be more optimistic,” Patterson said. “I’ve started thinking before I say something negative.”

This approach of thinking before you speak really works; when you learn to banish bad thoughts before they leave your mouth, it’s less likely you’ll continue thinking them. It may sound silly, but sometimes you have to fake it until you really do feel happier. You can start by smiling more each day…one smile boosts your mood by ten percent instantly! Having motivational cards or sayings placed around your room can also help inspire you to be in high spirits.

Change is never easy, UHS. But creating a resolution or goal is the first step. For those of you who didn’t make one at New Years, maybe you should make one now; they don’t need to be big changes, just little steps to a better you. Students who did make resolutions but feel discouraged, don’t fret. If you keep trying and putting in the effort, you will grow closer to achieving your goal.

What resolutions did you make this year? What do you think of Mandy’s advice? Comment Below!

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