
Today, at approximately 2:50 pm, the fire alarm went off at Urbana High School.  The school evacuated promptly, but many questions linger in the air.  Was it real?  Or a hoax?  The Echo will be on the story and updating as soon as we get the scoop.

UPDATE: After talking to Dr. Taylor, The Echo has learned the cause for the fire alarm.  A worker came to UHS to work on the fire alarm, and accidentally set it off.


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5 thoughts on "Fire Alarm Scare"

  1. Yeah I had P.E. that hour……it was not ok. Pretty dangerous with how cold it is outside.

  2. yeah i was in speech class and my good friend got interupted by the alarm. this friend was stephen linear and he happened to be was talking about narito no joke. good times… =) hasta luego amigos

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